Throughout this course, you’re going to encounter terminology that is unique to the reputation management industry. To best equip yourself to succeed, please review our official Online Review Management course vocabulary list below:
- Auditing: the act of documenting your business’s current online standing and reputation as it is reflecting through your ratings and reviews, and finding your business’s profiles in an effort to organize your strategy toward online review management.
- Business Rating: the average of each customer rating that you receive. The higher the rating, the better your business looks and ranks in search engines.
- Claiming: the act of gaining access to your business’s profile with the intention of reviewing and enhancing the information available. Claiming also allows you to ensure that competitors cannot hijack your profile.
- Customer Reviews: public feedback left on your business’s profiles for other potential customers to review. Customer reviews cannot and should not be manipulated by the business.
- Customer Surveys: a tool used by online review managers to improve the customer experience, gain insight into what customers are thinking, and to help generate more online reviews.
- Enhancing: the act of strategically reviewing and updating each of your business’s profiles with the right contact information, new photos, and all the information possible to help a customer choose your business.
- Fake Review: any review that is left by someone who is not a client or customer of the business, or any review that makes false claims. Fake reviews can be both positive and negative.
- Flagging: the act of reporting a review so that it can be reviewed by the platform’s team. This action should be reserved for fake reviews or reviews that violate the platform’s terms of service.
- Local Pack: a section on Google’s search results page that showcases businesses near you which are highly rated and reviewed by their customers.
- Maps: a web mapping service provided by Apple, which is most frequently used as a phone application to find businesses. Unless directly searching for a company by name, Maps uses algorithms based on proximity and reviews to rank their search results.
- Monitoring: the act of assessing the status of your business’s profiles and all of the ratings and reviews left on it.
- Negative Review: any review that is left with a below 3-star rating and, potentially, negative content that describes an unsatisfactory experience with a business. Not all negative reviews are fake.
- Online Review Management Tools: software that was designed specifically to support businesses of all sizes monitor and take control of their online reviews.
- Online Review Management: taking control of your business’s reputation by focusing on public customer feedback, engagement, business improvement, and promotion.
- Online Review Manager: an individual on your team who is responsible for the online review management plan and its implementation.
- Online Review Platforms: websites created to host information about businesses that prominently display customer ratings and reviews.
- Online Review Profile: the profile that reflects your business, provides information to current and potential customers, and features customer reviews. These profiles may or may not be generated automatically or by the public.
- ORM: the abbreviation of online review management.
- Point Person: another term for online review manager.
- Positive Review: any review that is associated with a 3-stars or above rating and, potentially, content that describes a positive experience with a business and/or products.
- Reporting: the act of indicating that a review should be evaluated by a platform’s team because it is fake or violates that platform’s terms of service.
- Ranking: the order in which your business is placed on a search results page in comparison to other businesses, websites, or web pages that are relevant for the user’s search.
- Search Engine Results Page: the pages of business, websites, and webpages that a search engine displays in response to a user search.
- SERP: the abbreviation of search engine results page.